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Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission - Nurturing Firm Foundations

“…rooted and build up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.”  Colossians 2:7

At Good Shepherd Christian School, we foster lifelong learning with a vision for ministry, excellent holistic education, and future-focused learning. We develop and nourish authentic Christian and servant leadership within a nurturing environment to enable students, teachers, and staff to succeed and flourish within their strengths and talents, supported by a collaborative culture and a united community.

Our vision - Inspire, Instil, Innovate, Impact.

We aim to inspire students to discover and develop their unique gifts and talents, instil in them Christlikeness, a love for learning, and a passion for leadership, innovate purposefully to prepare them for future careers and challenges, and ultimately impact lives and shape whole individuals who go on to live impactful lives.