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Student Wellbeing

At Good Shepherd Christian School, we prioritise the holistic well-being of our students through a whole-school approach. 

Our pastoral care classes and dedicated teachers provide a supportive environment for students to thrive emotionally and socially. In addition, our Wellbeing officer is available to offer personalised support for students in need.

At GSCS, we understand the importance of providing students with a space for self-regulation and relaxation. That's why we have the OASIS, a breakout space where students can recharge, participate in social-emotional sessions, and receive learning support.

Spiritual well-being is also a key focus at our school, with two chaplains on-site – one for primary school and one for high school. Students are encouraged to engage with our chaplains for spiritual guidance and emotional support.

We believe in celebrating diversity and fostering a sense of belonging among our students. This is why we hold special events such as You Belong Day and Multi-cultural Day to promote unity and inclusivity within our school community.

At Good Shepherd Christian School, we are committed to nurturing the well-being of every student, ensuring they have the support and resources they need to thrive academically, emotionally, and spiritually.